Tired of flooding?
Find out how a home buyout can help you achieve a flood free future.
As many as 41 million Americans and their homes will be threatened by flooding in the next century.
Voluntary property acquisitions, also known as home buyouts, are a tool to help communities relocate away from high-risk areas.
A Holistic Approach to Buyout Programs
A Better Buyout program addresses people, housing, and land — the foundations of a healthy community — holistically.
Our services enhance each of these three building blocks, crafting a human-centered buyout process based on local needs and vulnerabilities, providing re-housing solutions and case management for participating households, and creating open space and flood controls to protect neighborhoods.
Who we work with
Your home may be the most important place for you and your family, but it might not be safe. If you have recently flooded or are worried about flooding again, Buy-In can help you keep get fair compensation and find new housing on higher ground.
Community Partnerships Program
Community leaders are essential for buyout program success. If you’re part of a community-based organization dealing with flooding in your community, contact us to see how we can help build your organization’s capacity to address flood risk.
Government is an essential partner in buyout program design and implementation. At any state in the process, Buy-In can help you develop a buyout program, build community support, and find funding to make your program a reality.